Miami Beach Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery by Dr Baruch Jacobs

Lip augmentation creates fuller, plumper lips and reduces fine wrinkles around the mouth. Lips may be injected with Juviderm, Restylane or with fat transferred from another site in the patient’s body. Newer, longer-lasting options include implantable materials such as silicon implants

I had a lip augmentation with Dr. Jacobs, and I am highly satisfied with my experience. I was always insecure about my upper lip, due to the fact that it was so thin; I never really liked my smile. When I had my appointment with Dr. Jacobs’ I was so happy to see that he actually cared about my concerns, and educated me on how the surgery was to occur. He listened to how I wanted my results, and he did a fantastic job! My results were incredible. I am truly in love with my lips! During my post operative visit, I saw my before pictures; I can truly see how natural and beautiful my results turned out. Not only was I pleased with my results, but the attention I received from the doctor and his staff were superb. Definitely an amazing Doctor and Team!

Tuve un aumento de labios con el Dr. Jacobs y estoy muy satisfecho con mi experiencia. Yo me sentía inseguro sobre mi labio superior, debido al hecho de que era tan delgada; Nunca me gustó mi sonrisa. Cuando tuve mi cita con el Dr. Jacobs ‘Yo estaba tan feliz de ver que realmente se preocupaba por mis preocupaciones, y me educados sobre cómo la cirugía iba a ocurrir. Escuchó cómo quería mis resultados, y él hizo un trabajo fantástico! Mis resultados fueron increíbles. Estoy realmente enamorado de mis labios! Durante mi visita postoperatoria, vi mis fotos antes; Sinceramente, puedo ver cómo naturales y hermosos mis resultados fueron. No sólo estaba contento con mis resultados, pero la atención que recibí del doctor y su personal eran excelentes. Definitivamente un doctor increíble y Team!
— Nicole V

Miami Beach Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center